BY Nick Bulanda
Published March 3, 2019
They call the 2 year old phase the “terrible twos” for a reason. 2 year old children are a lot to handle, to say the least. Sometimes, this leads to frustration and extreme aggravation. But, you should never strike your child. This is not just harmful, it is downright dangerous. Worst of all, it may not even deliver the desired results. Aggression sends confusing signals to children. They may begin to think of aggression and physical violence as problem solvers. Furthermore, you traumatize your child and scare them. Here are some crucial keys on how to discipline a 2 year old without hitting them.
Ignore Mild Misbehavior
Kids require attention. This has always been true. Paying attention to your children is important. But, you cannot let them act out for attention. Sometimes, children throw temper tantrums and cry for attention. Selectively ignore the mild misbehavior. Do not pay attention to them until they stop. Then, when they approach you under control, show them love and affection. As time proceeds, your kid learns that misbehavior is not acceptable.
Ah yes, the most classic form of punishment for a misbehaving 2 year old. All the while, a time-out is arguably the most effective. Now, you do not need to literally put your kid in the corner. Instead, place them in a chair by themselves. Force them to sit in the chair for an hour by themselves. Eventually, your child calms down and realizes they are wrong. Children do not like time-out. As a result, they eventually learn to behave to avoid a time-out session. Remember, always spend proper time with your children to not neglect them.

Ground Your Child
Grounding your child is not a new concept. As a matter of fact, you were most likely grounded yourself. Basically, grounding a child is colloquial meaning for taking away privileges. Get ready, there will be plenty of groundings in the future. Children love their toys, like a Power Wheels Jeep 2 Seat. As a result, taking away their toys makes them upset. Do not cave to crying. This is natural. Furthermore, it is the intended result. Maybe not necessarily crying. But, the goal is to get children to learn from their bad behavior. Well, making them upset through a grounding is easy and effective. They will learn to behave to enjoy their privileges. Remember, their toys are not a necessity. Their toys are a privilege.

Teach Your Child
There is one way to learn how to discipline a 2 year old without hitting them that actually produces great long-term results. Teach your child to solve problems and manage their emotions. Reason to them. Appeal to their senses. Explain that “they cannot hit people when they do not get their way”. Explain to them the importance of sharing with others. Eventually, they learn to think this way independently of your words. Then, they behave well and handle any curveballs of life. This creates a better future for your child. In the meantime, you alleviate day-to-day stress.
Reward & Praise Good Behavior
Positive reactions toward good behavior are super important. Basically, you show them that good behavior is rewarded. When they behave, show them love and praise them. When they listen to you, praise and reward them. Provide them with a special candy treat or a gift. Eventually, they learn that good behavior is not just accepted. Good behavior is appreciated and reciprocated with parents love and with gifts!
No matter what, do not let your blood pressure spike every time your kid misbehaves. They are only two years old! As a result, they are going to do things that you do not like. Yes, at times they might get annoying. Again, they only know so much. So do not freak out or lash out. This is never good for anyone involved. You feel like a fool afterward. Worst of all, you might scare your kid. Moving forward, they will be apprehensive and uneasy around you. Not to mention the signals you send about what is the proper reaction to frustration. Instead, take a deep breathe and use one of the previous tips on how to discipline a 2 year old without hitting them.
Wrapping It Up
Surely, raising a child is no small feat. Rather, it is the job of a lifetime. Take it slow and keep calm. Never let the frustration really get to you. Remember, your child is slowly learning the do’s and don’ts of life. You are the primary teacher.