Last Updated: Jul 24, 2019

10 Activities For 8 Year Olds At Home

  • BY Nick Bulanda

    Published February 28, 2019

Finding activities for 8 year olds at home is no small task. Especially since most of the truly fun activities take place outdoors. As a result, parents often struggle to provide fun activities for children indoors. Do not fret. Do not worry. As always, Ride Toy Zone is here to save the day. We have gathered 10 wonderful ideas for the next rainy day. Read through each and every idea until you find the perfect fit for your family. Find one specific idea that appeals to either you or your kid. After all, the best activities involve something that they love.

Watch Television Or Movies

First and foremost, do not judge the action of watching television or a movie with a kid. Many parents are quick to judge when it comes to children and electronics. There is no reason. It is rainy outside. Kick back and watch some shows. It is only bad when they always watch while it is nice outside.

Board & Card Games

This is rather simple. Nothing flashy or crazy here. Break out the fun board or card games. Does your child have a favorite? Bust out their favorite board game. If not, show them your own favorite games. You never know what they might like!

Creativity Session

Arts & crafts are an absolutely wonderful idea. No matter what kind of arts and crafts you pick. Draw, color, paint, do whatever your child likes.  Cover up important valuables and parts of your home while painting. Let them go wild. Kids need to express themselves. Creative expression is bound to provide wonderful results for both you and your child. They learn how to express emotions, feelings, and more through art!

Arts & crafts are some of the best activities for 8 year olds at home.
Arts & crafts are some of the best activities for 8 year olds at home.

Read Or Listen To A Book

Books are obviously a great go-to idea. Pick out their favorite book. Maybe they like Harry Potter? Maybe they like other popular children’s books. There are so many great options to pick from. All the while, you might even enjoy the book yourself. Best of all, there are plenty of audiobooks available as well.


Ah, the classic playdate. Call up a friend with children. Call up your child’s friend from school. You can even call up your neighbor. Children love to play with their friends. Plus, they develop crucial social skills that truly matter later in life. They enjoy a fun day with a friend and you relax as your responsibilities are minimized.

Break Out Cardboard Boxes

Have any old cardboard boxes? Let them serve as a creative outlet for children. Design and cut out parts of the boxes. Note: be cautious with any scissors near young children. Always supervise their actions with scissors. Create a pretend time machine for a fun adventure!

Cardboard boxes deliver hours of endless fun.
Cardboard boxes deliver hours of endless fun.

Make A Fortress

You may not make the fortress yourself. Instead, the child definitely makes it. But, they have plenty of fun along the way. Let them set up a big blanket fortress. Then, join them in the fortress. You can then read books while inside of the fortress or enjoy other great activities.

Play With Toys

Do you have a big basement with a large play area? Time for some fun playing with toys. Get their favorite Power Wheels police motorcycle or battery operated cars for 8 year olds. Playing with toys is one of the easier activities for 8 year olds at home. Especially if you have some awesome toys for your kid. Always prepare for a rainy day with a few great toy ideas. There are even girl ride on cars available.

Indoor toys are obviously high on the list of fun activities for indoor days with an 8 year old.
Indoor toys are obviously high on the list of fun activities for indoor days with an 8 year old.

Hide & Seek

This is an absolute classic. Close your eyes and count to twenty. Let kids hide away from you. Then, you must go and find them. Everyone loves this game. You might even tap into your childhood as well.

Imaginary Letters

Writing an imaginary letter may seem silly at first. But, not to a child. Especially if you tell them the letter is to a close relative or a best friend. Sit down with them as they write out the letter. You can even help them along the way. They have fun while developing important writing skills. Most importantly, they develop great communication skills.

Closing It Out

Never panic when it rains outside and you do not have activities planned. There is no need whatsoever. Not when there are so many great options on this list. Read back over our ideas to learn more about great activities for 8 year olds at home.

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